A small but growing
number of U.S. colleges and universities—ranging from large, public
institutions to small, private colleges—are using or have used
the social norms approach to address a range of issues related to college
student health.
Historically, all
of the initial funding in the late 1980s and throughout the 1990s in
support of social norm interventions at institutions of higher learning
came from the federal government. Specifically, federal support for
social norms projects included:
- Replication
studies funded by the U.S. Department of Education (DOE)
- Demonstration
grants funded by the U.S. Center for Substance Abuse Prevention
- Research grants
to test social norms from the National Institute on Alcoholism
and Alcohol Abuse (NIAAA)
- Risk-reduction
funding from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
As the number of
social norm interventions grew throughout the country, additional funding
sources were identified. Among them have been:
- The National
Science Foundation
- Illinois Department
of Human Services
- Virginia Alcohol
Beverage Control
- California State
University System
- Montana Department
of Transportation
- New Jersey Department
of Health
- Kansas Health
Lastly, the Anheuser-Busch
Foundation currently provides funding to seven universities for the
prevention and reduction of alcohol abuse problems among college students
through the implementation of the social norms approach.
For a more extensive
examination of the funding of social norms programs, including a discussion
of the level and impact of the support provided by the alcohol beverage
industry to a small number of universities, see:
Norms: A Publicly Funded, Cost-Effective Approach. (Note: This is
a pdf file.) |